marketing technology Archives - Page 3 of 4 - New Digital Noise

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The award-winning rise of virtual banking in Hong Kong.
Virtual Banking is Here – Why & How Hong Kong Banks Can Evolve to Seize the Day!
For the past decades, banking has long been an industry that has branded themselves on trust and stability, however with the rise of today’s demanding consumer taste, banks are facing a new paradigm centred around the need for convenience, customer...
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A man holding a phone displaying the top 10 digital marketing campaigns of 2018 in Hong Kong.
Top 10 Campaigns of 2018
1) Blue Starting from the second half of 2018, we have been assisting Blue, Hong Kong’s first digital life insurer in unfolding its first-ever digital branding campaign. It is a highly integrated campaign, with touchpoints spanning social media, video production,...
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The award-winning city of Shanghai is showcased with a network of connections.
Internet Changes Course for Marketing in China
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As disposable income increases, people’s purchasing habits tend to shift beyond basic needs. And in this century of information explosion, a generation of young people in China, who were born when the Internet was already around, are displaying unique and...
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A businessman from Hong Kong is holding a red circle over a group of people, showcasing his award-winning digital marketing skills.
Up Your Marketing Game With Lookalike Audiences
Think of the most loyal and highest-spending customers of your company. Now imagine reaching out to potential customers that are similar to these “ideal” customers of yours. That sounds like a lot of business potential, doesn’t it? Well, that’s exactly...
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A person holding an award-winning smart phone with the text cognitive ad in Hong Kong.
How AI and Blockchain are Pushing Brands to the Next Level
Customers are well informed and increasingly expecting their relationship with brands to become a two-way street with a focus on value creation and personalisation. For a long time, marketing has always been a one-way push where brands aggressively promote their...
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A geo-themed computer screen showcasing Hong Kong's award-winning digital marketing.
Finding your Right Audience with Geo-targeting
When working on target marketing, online marketers often go all out to solve a key puzzle in mind: How to maximise efforts while minimising errors? With a simple digital tool, we’ve found a solution for one of our clients. We...
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A view of New York City from the top of the Empire State Building, incorporating digital marketing strategies.
10 Business to Business Digital Marketing Strategies and Tactics for 2017
This year, global businesses are looking forward to develop innovative marketing strategies for the coming year and multiply the number of clients while giving a boost to their sales figures. It’s the best time for marketers to review the best...
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A bustling and vibrant street in Tokyo at night, featuring the lively energy of Hong Kong.
10 Best Digital Media Companies in Asia
Humans worship to fall in love; likewise customers imagine staying connected with brands that take action together/share and do lot more to add to their post purchase knowledge. We think that every brand name needs a plan to sweep up...
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A group of award-winning people sitting around a table with digital marketing icons in Hong Kong.
How can Marketing Automation help to define ‘Customer Journeys’
In the coming year, an increasing number of businesses are looking at new integrated marketing automation system – Integrated Marketing Stack in order to look into “customer journeys” in order to understand their customers’ needs, allowing possibilities for their businesses to re-position themselves...
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How can your business increase ROI through digital marketing automation?
How can Your Business Increase Marketing Automation’s ROI?
The demand for Marketing Automation has vastly increased in the past few years and according to Marketo & Ascend report on 2015, 91% of the most successful users agree that marketing automation is “very important” to the overall success of their marketing...
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