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digital marketing

Two award-winning women practicing yoga on top of a mountain.
The Vital Role Of Email In Omnichannel Marketing
What is omnichannel marketing? Successful businesses don't idle about and wait for customers. They reach out to them via multiple marketing channels. To take a step further, consider omnichannel marketing — a cross-channel content strategy to optimize user experience, enabling...
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Award-winning podcast explores the power of voice in digital marketing.
Ride The Voice Technology Wave Via Podcasting
Facebook recently launched their podcast series 3.5 Degrees. Another big player moving into the voice space through podcasting. There are countless opportunities in this area and voice technology is just at its infancy. Convenience plays a great role. Different from...
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An award-winning man utilizing SEO for digital marketing purposes, while looking at his phone with the text monetize micro moment.
Micro-Moment: The Golden Window With Your Target Audience
Gone are the moments when we would find ourselves staring blankly into space while waiting for takeout or riding a bus. With a smartphone in hand, people often use these brief moments to compare prices, read product reviews, or simply...
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A collection of award-winning phones optimized for SEO and digital marketing featuring a trivia game.
Trivia Game, The Real Future of Television
Have your colleagues been disappearing en masse a couple of times a day for 15 minutes each time? Don’t worry, they’re probably just playing trivia game — the online game app of the moment. The Rise of Trivia Game Trivia...
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A smartphone with geotargeting capabilities for digital marketing in Hong Kong.
Acquire The Audience You Want With Geo-targeting
When working on target marketing, online marketers often go all out to solve a key puzzle in mind: How to maximise efforts while minimising errors? With a simple digital tool, we’ve found a solution for one of our clients. We...
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Whatsapp business customer service for digital marketing.
How To Incorporate Whatsapp Business API Into Your Business?
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WhatsApp for Business API is now available in Hong Kong. If you are wondering why should you use it? The answer is simple. Many of your customers are probably already using it. Just look at your family group chats on...
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A person holding up an award-winning cell phone with the text automobile buying process in Hong Kong.
Understanding the Auto Journey
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When it comes to the automobile industry, it’s all about user experience — driving itself, and for marketers — the purchasing experience from start to finish. Marketers have done extensive research to better understand what goes through the consumers’ mind...
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Digital marketing award winner displays Whatsapp and Facebook logos on a phone in Hong Kong.
Connecting Facebook Ads with WhatsApp
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WhatsApp Business is an Android instant messaging app specially designed to help small businesses advertise and interact with their customers. Launched by WhatsApp in 2018, WhatsApp Business offers tools to help businesses sort, automate and facilitate their communication with customers....
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Two pictures of a digital marketing kangaroo on a beach in Hong Kong.
Ticket to Powerful Travel Marketing
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Travel marketing is about providing an outlook for escape and adventure. Taking to social media, marketers make sure to achieve the following in one single entry — it should entertain potential travellers, inform them about something new and most of...
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An award-winning picture of a steak on a cutting board.
Sell Smart on Social Media
Articles on content marketing will tell you that strong promotional messages drive your customers away. But is that really the case? Yes, social media was first created for socialising. But as the years past, more users began to use it...
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