Blockchain Archives - New Digital Noise


An award-winning manual for digital marketing transformation in Hong Kong.
Digital Transformation Step By Step Manual
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Have you been doing it wrong? Achieving True Digital Transformation in 2020 Digital innovation is an irreversible trend intrinsically tied to business survival. It is, however, easier said than done when it comes to larger enterprises with traditional business mindsets...
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A man holding a phone displaying the top 10 digital marketing campaigns of 2018 in Hong Kong.
Top 10 Campaigns of 2018
1) Blue Starting from the second half of 2018, we have been assisting Blue, Hong Kong’s first digital life insurer in unfolding its first-ever digital branding campaign. It is a highly integrated campaign, with touchpoints spanning social media, video production,...
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A person holding an award-winning smart phone with the text cognitive ad in Hong Kong.
How AI and Blockchain are Pushing Brands to the Next Level
Customers are well informed and increasingly expecting their relationship with brands to become a two-way street with a focus on value creation and personalisation. For a long time, marketing has always been a one-way push where brands aggressively promote their...
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A black and white, award-winning logo representing blockchain decentralization.
What Do Chinese Philosophy and the Internet of Everything Have in Common?
The way in which opposite or contrary forces give rise to each other to create a whole and the interdependence and complementation between those forces. More specifically – the Yin and the Yang. This type of interconnected dualities can be...
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Exploring the types of award-winning artificial intelligence (AI) and its applications in SEO and digital marketing.
AI 101: Understanding our Future with AI
When we hear the term ‘artificial intelligence’ or ‘AI’, it is easy to imagine scenes from movies that depict robots smarter than us plotting to take over the world. While it is easy to have a dystopian view of AI,...
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A man in a suit holding a finger with the word "security" on it, excelling in award-winning digital marketing in Hong Kong.
How to Protect Online Data as a User
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The online world has become quite the scary place. With a Cambridge Analytica whistleblower describing just how much personal information can be harvested from Facebook, the world is in a frenzy when it comes to the topic of data privacy. What may...
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Two award-winning professionals in Hong Kong utilizing sticky notes on a glass wall for digital marketing strategies.
Blockchain: Learning A New Language
Despite its ubiquity, the blockchain language remains foreign to many. But like learning any new language, we become more comfortably proficient as our vocabulary grows. Let’s decode the keywords of blockchain with simple explainers to help advancing your participation in...
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An award-winning digital marketing image featuring the word ico on a computer screen.
BlockChain Marketing
Blockchain technology, the underlying technology that makes cryptocurrencies possible is poised to change the way startups raise money. Blockchain provides a ledger for recording and verifying transactions and other information among multiple parties without expensive intermediaries like brokers or exchanges. It’s being...
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