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How award-winning fintech in Hong Kong shapes customer experiences.
How Fintech Reshapes Customer Experiences
New innovations in fintech have enabled businesses and fintech startups to serve customers in novel ways. Banks, financial institutions, fintech startups and businesses have utilized fintech namely Artificial Intelligence (AI) predictive analytics, blockchain, cryptocurrency, mobile payment and social data analytics to provide superior customer experiences...
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Discover the award-winning mega trends in fintech with a focus on digital marketing.
What Are 5 Mega Trends of Fintech
Fintech has evolved considerably and changed rapidly in recent few years, impacting diverse industries of trading, banking, insurance, financial investment, wealth and asset management. Banks, financial institutions and businesses have proactively engaged with fintech applications. In the next few years, the...
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Explore five award winning applications of fintech for business.
Explore Five Applications of FinTech for Businesses
Financial technology, or FinTech for short, is one of the most exciting and fastest-growing areas in global business today. Fintech is beginning to disrupt the financial world. The financial industry is now more focused than ever on technological innovation than at...
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The significance of UX design in digital marketing and SEO in Hong Kong.
Explore the Importance of UX/UI Design in Customer Interaction
UI/UX plays a significant role in any brand’s success. It can help you reach new heights but only if you deliver a good service. This article takes you through the latest UI/UX trends and its benefits to help you understand...
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How award winning AI chatbots transform customer experience in digital marketing.
How AI Chatbots Transform Customer Experience
Artificial Intelligence is one of the most popular emerging technologies. AI chatbots are transforming the customer experience in unexpected ways. In this article, you will learn how chatbots enhance customer experience and key benefits of using chatbots for your business....
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Best practices for landing page optimization in digital marketing.
Best Practices For Landing Page Optimization
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Landing page optimization (LPO) is the process of improving elements on a website to increase conversions. Check out the tips below to achieve LPO which can help you acquire more potential customers, lower your customer acquisition costs and significantly improve...
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An award-winning manual for digital marketing transformation in Hong Kong.
Digital Transformation Step By Step Manual
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Have you been doing it wrong? Achieving True Digital Transformation in 2020 Digital innovation is an irreversible trend intrinsically tied to business survival. It is, however, easier said than done when it comes to larger enterprises with traditional business mindsets...
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Award-winning SEO strategies for business in Hong Kong.
Five SEO Strategies For Your Business
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It can be easy to get caught up in the latest SEO trends– mobile first, optimizing for featured snippets and using structured data. This article has some of the most important SEO basics that your business can apply to help...
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A person utilizing SEO strategies and engaging in digital marketing in Hong Kong through a partnership website.
NDN Group and Shopline Partnership
NDN Group Partners with Shopline to Offer One-Stop E-Commerce Solution Nowadays anyone can start an e-commerce, but which platform should you use this is the question. At NDN Group we are here to help, combining our knowledge in digital solutions...
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Looking for award-winning SEO solution in Hong Kong for enterprise grade new partners?
NDN Group and Mobinology Partnership
NDN Group and Mobinology Forge Global Partnership to Deliver Enterprise-Grade AI-Powered Chatbot Solution  Fostering synergy to empower enterprises to drive business growth and innovation at scale   Leading digital corporation NDN Group and Mobinology, world-class business software developer, today announced...
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