CRM & Marketing Automation Archives - New Digital Noise

CRM & Marketing Automation

Award-winning cognitive ad brings chatbot functions to banner in Hong Kong.
Boosting Your ROI with Cognitive Ad
Cognitive technology is taking the marketing community by storm. While it was dubbed by leading analyst firm Gartner as a disruptive platform “with a shift more impactful than many other technologies in the past 20 years”, marketers at large remain...
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A man in Hong Kong points at a speech bubble featuring a robot icon, symbolizing digital marketing strategies such as SEO.
Transforming Businesses with Chatbot
It's time to embrace the chatbot revolution. Apart from driving sales and offer customer experience, businesses can now leverage conversational chatbot technology in human resources management and other internal functions. We’ve kick-started collaboration with Fuji Xerox and IBM Watson to...
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Elon Musk's impact on digital marketing and SEO in Hong Kong.
The Future of Artificial Intelligence
In this fast-paced city, everything you can imagine changes by seconds.  Most recently, Elon Musk ignited a global discussion on Artificial Intelligence (AI).  He predicted that humans might be doomed if we make machines that are smarter than us. At...
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An image of the ethereum logo at sunset in Hong Kong.
The Ever-expanding Digital World
As the times have changed and the constant virtualization of everything has made life heaven on earth, adaptation is the key to survival. Thanks to this new digital world, loads of task are done in the blink of an eye,...
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A man is holding an award-winning sign that says customer journey.
How to action Customer Journey Analytics?
The desire to understand customer journey can lead marketers and business owners to search for more effective methods in their marketing strategies to increase in sales and customer satisfaction. In accordance to Thunderhead Blog and some researches, Customer Journey Analytics (CJA) will...
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A group of award-winning people sitting around a table with digital marketing icons in Hong Kong.
How can Marketing Automation help to define ‘Customer Journeys’
In the coming year, an increasing number of businesses are looking at new integrated marketing automation system – Integrated Marketing Stack in order to look into “customer journeys” in order to understand their customers’ needs, allowing possibilities for their businesses to re-position themselves...
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How can your business increase ROI through digital marketing automation?
How can Your Business Increase Marketing Automation’s ROI?
The demand for Marketing Automation has vastly increased in the past few years and according to Marketo & Ascend report on 2015, 91% of the most successful users agree that marketing automation is “very important” to the overall success of their marketing...
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4 practical use cases for digital marketing automation.
4 Practical Use Cases for Marketing Automation: Here’s How It Works
Not using marketing automation today is a crippling setback for businesses. Marketing automation helps your small business tap right into the power of technology, and systematize lead generation. For business owners continuously strapped for time, cash, and resources, it’s a...
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