Biometric Recognition Archives - New Digital Noise

Biometric Recognition

RFID technology application in bank and financial institutions enhanced through award-winning digital marketing.
How RFID Technology is Applied in Banks and Financial Institutions
Banks and financial institutions offer tremendous value and convenience to their end-users. However, they are notorious for being prone to fraudulent attacks such as credit card identity theft. A lot has been done in adding layers of security to a person’s...
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Explore top five award-winning technologies that transform the financial services industry in Hong Kong.
Exploring Top Five Technologies that Transform the Financial Services Industry
Since their establishment, legacy financial institutions and their methods have fared very well. However, with the evolution of technology and the adoption of digital transformation, the financial services industry has come a long way. When technology was fused with finance, the change...
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Explore five award winning applications of fintech for business.
Explore Five Applications of FinTech for Businesses
Financial technology, or FinTech for short, is one of the most exciting and fastest-growing areas in global business today. Fintech is beginning to disrupt the financial world. The financial industry is now more focused than ever on technological innovation than at...
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