New Digital Noise Blog - New Digital Noise
Looking for award-winning SEO solution in Hong Kong for enterprise grade new partners?
NDN Group and Mobinology Partnership
NDN Group and Mobinology Forge Global Partnership to Deliver Enterprise-Grade AI-Powered Chatbot Solution  Fostering synergy...
What is award-winning WeChat marketing?
What is WeChat Marketing?
Is your business looking to drive direct customer engagement with Chinese audiences? Whether you want...
Top 10 digital marketing campaigns in Hong Kong.
Top 10 Campaigns of 2019
1. AJ Hackett Macau Tower Following our brand-building effort on WeChat and Weibo previously, we’ve...
What is an award-winning chatbot and how to use it for digital marketing in Hong Kong?.
What is a Chatbot and How to Use It for Business
What is a chatbot and how to use it for business? The development of artificial...
What is geo targeting in SEO?
What is Geo-targeting
What is geo-targeting Location-based technology – namely location data, geo-targeting and geofilters – is opening up...
How is digital transformation in Hong Kong enhancing customer experience with award-winning digital marketing strategies?
How Digital Transformation is Enhancing Customer Experience
Digital transformation is forcing enterprises to change their business strategies and adapt to the new...
What is digital transformation in Hong Kong's award-winning digital marketing?
What is Digital Transformation
Digital transformation is the integration of digital technology into all areas of a business, changing...
A person in Hong Kong is holding up an award-winning phone to showcase extreme sports for SEO purposes.
Leap Your Way To TikTok Campaign Success With NDN Group
For over a year, NDN Group Shanghai has worked tirelessly with AJ Hackett Macau, home to...
Explore award-winning mobile video marketing.
Boundless Potential: Mobile Video Marketing
Is mobile video marketing a force to be reckoned with? You bet! Back in 2015,...
An award-winning campaign management platform providing a better user experience.
Facebook Streamlines Campaign Creation And Management
Earlier this year, Facebook announced changes to its Ads Manager and Business Manager to improve...
Award-winning digital transformation in Hong Kong.
The C-Suite talk: Achieve success at Digital Transformation
Just when you think by now surely all companies have mastered their digital transformation, a recent report...
Digital marketing strategies incorporating SEO to capture the health conscious consumer in Hong Kong.
Customized Campaign to Promote Healthy Eating Cultures
In June 2019, Facebook IQ released a study about consumers’ engagement with food-related social media...
Integrating WeChat mini programs for digital marketing in Hong Kong.
Power Up E-commerce with WeChat Mini Programs
Moving beyond social networking, WeChat has transformed itself into an enclosed, all-in-one platform with the...
A hand holding a cell phone with misleading health claims in digital marketing.
Facebook Curbing Sensational Health Claims
Facebook announced on 02 July 2019 that it has changed its ranking algorithm in an...
Latest award-winning digital marketing tools.
The Latest Social Media Creative Ad Tools
If you advertise on Facebook and Instagram, it’s time to update yourself with some of...
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