Chinachem Group - New Digital Noise

Cigna Hong Kong

A leading property developer strengthens its corporate branding with our all-inclusive social media management, including social media content creation, management, playbook to community management.

Cigna Hong Kong

Chinachem Group 2

Cigna Hong Kong offers insurance solutions to customers throughout their different life stages. For over 5 years, New Digital Noise has worked with the insurer as it seeks to connect with the as health-conscious and young individuals through a robust, multi-channel digital marketing strategy.


  • Persona and customer journey research
  • Cross-channel digital marketing strategy
  • SEO-friendly blog post creation
  • Social media marketing
  • Online advertising

Success by the Numbers

1x% social media playbook created with a comprehensive set of guidelines
700%+ increase of interactions on Facebook after 6 months
230%+ increase in followers on LinkedIn page
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Build a distinctive brand personalityBuild a distinctive brand personality

In Hong Kong, property developers compete for market share via social media. A distinctive and consistent brand personality would help set Chinachem Group apart from the competition.

Build consistent brand presentationBuild consistent brand presentation

As Chinachem Group maintained social media presences on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, consistent social media visuals would help enhance brand personality.

Our Methodology:

The marketing strategy of Chinachem Group is to deliver a distinctive brand personality and increase brand reach on social media. To achieve this goal, we began by defining the brand positioning by comparing its competitors in the property business, CSR efforts, recruitment and company culture.

We then mapped social media channels with brand focus, identifying each channel’s unique characteristics to best highlight Chinachem Group’s brand focus.

As well as monitoring Chinachem Group’s social media platforms, we created a social media playbook for the corporation with guidelines to ensure it followed proper online etiquette and protocols for community management to handle fan interactions and protect its brand reputation.

Our Solutions

A Digital Customer Journey for Building Brand Awareness and Credibility

Social media channel strategies

We took advantage of the different features of each social media platform, tailoring our content to reflect Chinachem Group’s various brand focuses. For example, LinkedIn is where businesses and individuals associate professionally; we used the platform to emphasize Chinachem Group’s commitment to socially responsible behavior (i.e. ‘Planet’) and presented authentic stories of stakeholders including employees. (i.e. ‘People’). We then used Instagram and Facebook to showcase the cityscape and architectural style of Chinachem Group’s properties. We created different content for different social media platforms, tailoring them to a professional or friendly tone.

Social media playbook

The Social Media Playbook was a document outlining Chinachem Group’s social media content strategy. It included guidelines for brand personalities, content pillars, editorial guidelines, visual elements and tactics, channel strategies, and paid media strategies. Community management was also covered to vanguard the brand’s reputation when managing follower interaction. Reporting of the social media operation was also outlined in the playbook.

Community management

As part of the social media management, We tracked and categorized all customer questions on social media for Chinachem Group. We then provided suggested replies with a mechanism for handling complaints and crisis.

Social media campaigns

We designed five social media campaigns for Chinachem Group to promote events including the Urban Climb 300m+, the Career Day, the French May and the Vaccination Lucky Draw. We made video snippets of the activities, such as a teaser post and a highlight video. Over time, our social media campaigns have reached more people and gained more attention from viewers.

Our Results

Thanks to our social media strategy and consistent brand voice, we achieved a whopping 700%+ increase of interactions—likes, comments, shares—on Facebook after just 6 months. We also achieved animpressive 230%+ follower increaseon Chinachem Group’s LinkedIn page. With the increase in views and interactions, we’ve significantly decreased our cost-per-impression.
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