August 2020 - New Digital Noise

August 2020

Explore top five award-winning technologies that transform the financial services industry in Hong Kong.
Exploring Top Five Technologies that Transform the Financial Services Industry
Since their establishment, legacy financial institutions and their methods have fared very well. However, with the evolution of technology and the adoption of digital transformation, the financial services industry has come a long way. When technology was fused with finance, the change...
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How banks and fintech enterprises benefit from award-winning open APIs.
How Banks and Fintech Enterprises Benefit from Open API
Open APIs or Application Programming Interface have become a revolutionary technology in a very little time. Used in numerous industries, open APIs have now also found their way into the banking and fintech industry. In terms of its application in the banking and fintech...
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How award-winning fintech in Hong Kong shapes customer experiences.
How Fintech Reshapes Customer Experiences
New innovations in fintech have enabled businesses and fintech startups to serve customers in novel ways. Banks, financial institutions, fintech startups and businesses have utilized fintech namely Artificial Intelligence (AI) predictive analytics, blockchain, cryptocurrency, mobile payment and social data analytics to provide superior customer experiences...
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Discover the award-winning mega trends in fintech with a focus on digital marketing.
What Are 5 Mega Trends of Fintech
Fintech has evolved considerably and changed rapidly in recent few years, impacting diverse industries of trading, banking, insurance, financial investment, wealth and asset management. Banks, financial institutions and businesses have proactively engaged with fintech applications. In the next few years, the...
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Explore five award winning applications of fintech for business.
Explore Five Applications of FinTech for Businesses
Financial technology, or FinTech for short, is one of the most exciting and fastest-growing areas in global business today. Fintech is beginning to disrupt the financial world. The financial industry is now more focused than ever on technological innovation than at...
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