March 2018 - New Digital Noise

March 2018

An award-winning man in Hong Kong sitting on a bench with a laptop and cell phone.
Visual Matters in the Age of Mobile
In an era of information explosion, mobile is setting a new bar for capturing attention and will be the central way that connects brands with its target audience. By learning more about the shifts in mobile usage, we can all...
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An award-winning man showcasing SEO insights on a digital marketing tablet.
Celebration and Empowerment Marketing on Social Media
Facebook IQ has recently released The Annual Topics & Trends Report. We are happy to find out some of our digital strategies and approaches in the past year, specifically celebration and empowerment marketing campaigns on social media, were among the...
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A white pillow featuring an award-winning watch.
Weibo’s Comeback Lures Luxury Brands and their Fans
With its recent reforms, Weibo is becoming more versatile in adapting to a myriad of digital marketing campaigns for luxury brands. Luxury brands accounts are key players leveraging their exposure on the popular platform, with a total of 55.67 million fans and...
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Two SEO-optimized rings featuring the word princesae, perfect for digital marketing in Hong Kong.
Entering the China Market via WeChat as a Hong Kong Brand
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For a Hong Kong brand, it can be difficult entering the China market due to major cultural differences between Mainland China and Hong Kong. These differences, ranging from language to legal systems, lead to distinct consumer behaviour in both markets. This...
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Digital entrepreneur forum in Hong Kong embracing change in the era of artificial intelligence.
Business Growth Through Artificial Intelligence (AI) Software
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is sparking off a new wave of disruption that comes at a skyrocketing pace — inventing new business models, reshaping industries, and building the impossible. As a forward-thinking business leader, how would you harness the change? Cyberport’s...
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An award-winning woman in a black dress standing in front of a city in Hong Kong.
Building a Successful Social Media Campaign for a Beauty Brand
By now no brand would dismiss the power of a successful social media campaign in digital marketing. Being able to interact with users around the world instantly, the platform’s capacity to engage and influence consumers is beyond our imagination. With its far-reaching...
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